

时间:2024-02-21 手机版

linkedin 发布职位描述里Seniority Level 是指什么? [图片]…显示全部 ​ 注者2 被浏览398 关注问题​写回答 ​邀请回答 ​添加评论 ​分享 ​登

Seniority 释义: A person's seniority in an organization is the importance and power that they he | 意思、发音、翻译及示例


Career progress (5) This is calculated according to changes in the level of seniority and the size of the company alumni are working in now versus befo

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The company makes no distinction as to seniority but promotes people on the basis of ability.公司晋升不分先后,只凭个人能力.Two gold rings edged

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